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DIMSUM KITCHENBUFFET HOURS/PRICE(per head)Monday-FridayLUNCH 11:30-14:00 $660DINNER 17:30-21:00 $660Saturday, Sunday & HolidayLUNCH 11:00-15:00 $720DINNER 17:00-21:00 $720Kids Special DiscountFREE OF CHARGE(Height under 100cm)HALF PRICE(Height100~140cm)10% service fee is not included. We have 120 minutes limits.RESERVATION POLICIES》All reservations will be secured for 10 minutes from the original reservation time.》Tables more than 5 people are allocated on the day by the restaurant team and next table maybe be applied. We will do everything we can to allocate a table in your preferred area but cannot guarantee this.》There is a half-price charge for kids 100-140cm. Please indicate on your reservation about” the amount of adults/kids “so we can do the best arrangement for you.》Reservations are available online up to 30 days in advance. 》We accept online reservation up to 10 people. For Group size larger than 10 / Private events, please contact us via phone-call for further details.》We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
__Reservation__* Reservations are only accepted within 30 days; for special inquires (e.g. for parties of 5 or above), please contact us via email or our reservation number. * Cancellation policy:NT$ 2,000 will be charged per person if the cancellation is made less than 3 days before your scheduled booking time.* Guests with food allergies, special dietary needs or vegetarian, please inform us under the note box while booking. Requests for changes to ingredients must be made in advance of the day of your visit.* The reservation will be held for 15 minutes; please inform us if there’s any change. * We cater only to children above the age of 12.__Reminders__As our tasting menu features raw ingredients (eg. seafood), guests are able to swap with dishes from our plant-forward tasting menu.Expect a 3-hour dinner for the best dining experience.* Take-away are not allowed.* Food and drinks from outside are not allowed.__Tasting Menu__* Lunch NT$ 1,980+10%~2,930+10%* Dinner NT$ 3,980+10%-5280+10%__Vegetarian Tasting Menu__* An ovo-lacto vegetarian tasting menu is available. Please inform us three days in advance.__Corkage Fee__* Wine: NT$ 1,000/bottle; spirits: NT$ 2,000/bottleAll Prices are subject to 10% service charge.__Special Occasions__* Cake made by our pastry team is available upon request. Please inform us three days in advance.* Personalized inscription on your dessert is acceptable.__Dress Code__*Our dress code is smart casual though we strongly recommend dressing up for the occasion. Gentlemen, we ask that you come dressed in trousers and appropriate footwear.__Restaurant Information__Business Hours:Tuesday-SaturdayLunch 12:00-14:30Dinner 18:00-22:30Address: 4F, No. 199, Jingye 2nd Rd; Zhongshan Dist; Taipei CityEmail: Reservation Hotline: +886 28502-5599
Booked 2 times today
Located on the fourth floor of Hotel Indigo Taipei North, Spice Market stands as Taiwan's premier and exclusive Thai-themed seafood buffet restaurant. Our buffet counters are filled with a diverse selection of seafood delicacies, complemented by an array of aromatic spices that invite guests to indulge in the authentic flavors of Thailand right in the heart of Taipei city.CUISINEThai-themed seafood buffetTEL.+886-2-8502-6100HOURSWeekdaysLunch: 11:30 – 14:00Dinner: 18:00 – 21:00Weekends Friday Night: 18:00 – 21:00Lunch: 11:30 – 14:30Dinner: 17:30 – 21:00LOCATION4F, No. 200, Zhifu Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City
Booked 2 times today
1.國宴文化餐:每位2280/2780/3280 以上須加1成服務費,內含東側密道導覽。(以上套餐皆需2人成行及套餐、需三天前預訂)。一.2025年東密道導覽文化之旅:凡餐廳用餐賓客之單筆消費金額滿NT$1500元(含)以上,即可享加購東密道導覽文化之旅票券乙張之優惠;消費金額滿NT$3000元(含)以上,即可享加購東密道文化導覽票券兩張之優惠,以此類推。加購金額:成人每位收取NT$500元,兒童每位收取NT$250元。二.西密道導覽文化之旅:凡至圓苑餐廳用餐單筆消費滿NT$1200元(含服務費)均可優惠價NT$200元(原價位NT$250元)加購西密道導覽行程,以上皆需提前預訂。主辦單位保有修改變更或暫停本活動之權利。 2.餐廳江浙套餐:每位2500/3000/3500以上 桌菜(每桌10人)20000/22800/25800以上須加1成服務費。(以上套餐皆需2人成行及套餐、桌菜需三天前預訂)。二.包廂套餐/每位$3000+10%起 桌菜/每桌(10人)$32800+10%起(以上套餐皆需10人成行及套餐、桌菜需三天前預訂)。3.信用卡優惠,請依照現場公告活動說明為主。另不與其它優惠方案合併使用。活動時間:2025年1月1日至2025年12月31日止一年。一、 活動對象:境內、國人二、 凡持華南銀行、合作金庫、兆豐銀行、元大銀行、匯豐銀行、 信用卡消費享優惠如附圓苑餐廳平日(週一至週四)可享本廳單點原價95折優惠+原價一成服務費 。注意事項:*恕不適用酒水折抵、貴賓室、旅遊團體、1 0人以上宴會、外帶品項,或與其他優 惠合併使用。*不適用日期:週五、週六及週日,國定⺠俗假日及政府公告之連續假日:(元旦 1 / 1 、農曆春節 1/ 25 - 2/ 2、西洋情人節2/14、二二八假期 2 / 2 8-3/2 、清明連假 4 / 4 - 4 / 7 、母親節5/10-5/11、端午連假5/31 -6/1、中秋節10/4-10/6、雙十國慶10/10-10/12、聖誕節12/2 4 ~1 2/25 、跨年12/31)等 , 詳情依飯店規範為準 。注意事項:享優惠需預先預約並主動告知使用特約銀行信用卡優惠,限持卡人本人使用且使用信用卡支付始能享有優惠,未經預約恕不適用此活動優惠。4.圓苑餐廳 營業時間:午餐Lunch 11:30~14:30 Last Order(最後點餐14:00)晚餐Dinner 17:30~21:30 Last Order(最後點餐21:00)