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Best Bistros in Songshan District

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A photo of 渣男Taiwan Bistro 敦北三渣 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Bistro • Songshan District
每個成功的男人,在人生的某個階段,都曾是個不折不扣的渣男。➤訂位須知◎一個月內皆可預訂◎每天晚上5:30到凌晨1:30 (最後點餐時間0:30am、最後點酒時間1:00am)◎近捷運南京復興站6號出口◎不要自己帶吃的我有 (除生日蛋糕外,禁帶外食)。◎自行攜帶酒水酌收開瓶費每瓶$1000。◎理性飲酒請勿過量,如有嘔吐等髒污行為本店酌收清潔費$1000。◎因應特殊日子之訂位,逢週末及假日,5人以上(含5人)之訂位需綁定信用卡號,費用收取基準為每人187元。僅做為訂位出席保證之用途,不會收取任何費用。 -請於期限內完成信用卡綁定程序並收到確認簡訊方屬訂位成功。 -若取消訂位/更改人數或改期,請於用餐日的前一日完成取消或異動。 -預定之用餐於臨時取消、變更時間或未於訂位時間內抵達,將「會」有扣款產生。◎保留:座位保留5分鐘,完成訂位後如需更改人數或取消,煩請於營業時間致電給我們,必定盡力協助您做最適當的安排。◎如有其他訂位需求,請於營業時間內撥打訂位電話洽詢。◎無故不到或遲到的人客我們保留下次拒絕訂位的權利!◎用餐時間2小時。◎優質服務不另加收服務費。➤毛孩OK◎請勿讓毛孩在店內狂奔,請全程牽繩或不落地。◎請勿讓毛孩上餐桌、餐椅。◎請勿讓毛孩使用店內餐具,可洽渣哥提供專用碗具。◎請勿讓毛孩隨意大小便,(含店內與戶外空間),如有便溺行為需自行清理,如需協助將酌收清潔費1次500元(累計)。
A photo of China Pa dining & Live Music restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Bistro • Songshan District
  【臺 灣 功 夫 料 理】遵 循 古 法簡 單 的 事 做 到 極 致便 是 功 夫 【最美好的人生 】盡在中國父 —————————————————————— 【貴賓訂位須知】 ▪特定假日,樂團專場低消而異▪訂位時間將保留10分鐘,若有延遲,請致電告知,否訂位將會釋出。▪️本公司禁外食及飲料與寵物。▪️包廂及10人以上訂位,請電洽. (02)3762-1919, 或點選資訊官網/桌菜/樂團https://chinapa138.wixsite.com/liveshow▪價格均需加10%服務費▪如在店內嘔吐,酌收清潔費$3000▪女士請勿穿著拖鞋。▪男士需穿著密頭鞋,恕不接待拖鞋/背心。——————————————————▪營業時間:星期一~星期四-6:00 to 2:00am 星期五/六--6:00 to 3:00am  ▪晚餐/宵夜星期一~星期四-6:00 to 12:30am星期五/六--6:00 to 1:30am—————————————————————— 【平日/五六低消】 ▪星期一~星期四 ▪ 星期五/六 ——————————————————【秦皇沙發區Sofa】 ▪A4/A5-$4500 ▪A1/2/3-- $6500 ▪A4/A5--$6500 ▪A1/2/3-$8500——————————————————【包廂VIP room】 ▪星期一~星期四 ▪貴妃/太極$3萬 ▪飛天-$4萬▪星期五/六 ▪貴妃太極-$3.5萬 ▪飛天-$5萬 以上需加10%服務費——————————————————————第一銀行安和分行 銀行代號-007戶名:中國父有限公司帳號:094-10-131017 【特殊節日消費與規定】*15天前全額退訂 *8-14天前退還70%*7天內退還30% *6天內恕不退還訂金✅ 特殊節日訂位需先付清全額訂位始完成——————————————————————
A photo of 舒曼六號餐館南京店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Bistro • Songshan District
Booked 1 time today
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️過敏原警示:本餐廳產品與有與其他含有甲殼類、芒果、花生、牛奶製品、羊奶製品、蛋、堅果類、芝麻、含麩質製品、大豆製品、魚製品、海鮮製品、亞硫酸鹽類的產品於同一廚房製作。食物過敏者嚴重者,強烈建議不適合在此用餐。WARNING!Allergen warning:The products in this restaurant are in the same kitchen as other products containing crustaceans, mangoes, peanut products, dairy products, eggs, nuts, sesame seeds, gluten-containing products, soybean products, fish products, seafood products, and sulfites make. Those with severe food allergies are strongly advised not to dine here.
A photo of 莫凡彼餐飲集團 莫凡彼餐廳慶城店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Bistro • Songshan District
Coming Soon!
A photo of BeOne餐酒沙龍 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Bistro • Songshan District
「BeOne 餐酒沙龍」在小巨蛋八德路人文匯集的臺北藝文地標「城市舞台」B1樓層佔地100余坪的獨立空間,共有80席座位,融合台灣多元文化與法式精緻料理的Fine-Casual Dining,亞洲五十大酒吧「Induge」團隊進駐,打造專屬BeOne的「平民國宴」#BeOne 融合餐、酒、藝文相關產業的跨界場域,打造對藝文、創新最友善的高質感空間。首季菜單由頂級法餐雙主廚Adam & Eric聯袂操刀,透過「臺魂西作」,以法式精緻手法的深度重新詮釋經典台灣味的廣度,如白菜滷、豬腳飯、蚵仔煎等,將過往的經驗、記憶重新轉譯,搭配致敬台灣多元文化的21杯調酒,轉譯台灣味蕾於全球語言。BeOne以開創臺灣首家Fine-Casual Dining為己任,融合法式精緻、美式鬆弛與臺灣靈魂,為繁忙的都市打造一個輕鬆且自在的藝文餐酒空間,期待成為臺北複合文化商業的新潮流地標。**即日起至2024/10/31,若小點、前菜、主食、主菜、甜點均任選擇一即贈送價值$280元的汲飲調酒一杯
**BeOne 保有最終解釋權及終止更改活動之權利║ 營業時間 ║
(沿城市舞台戶外觀光電梯或廣場樓梯下樓,即可達BeOne 餐酒沙龍入口)║ 餐酒供應時段 ║* 週三~週五
全時段供應* 週六、週日
宵夜:21:30~00:00 (最後加點時間23:30)>> 17:00~18:00廚房休息時間,不供應餐點 
11:00~16:00 僅供應汲飲調酒、紅白酒、啤酒║ 消費須知 ║* 用餐時間限時2.5小時,後續無其他訂位無用餐時間限制* 每人低消$500元/人(服務費另計)* 賓客如欲自備酒水,我們將酌收洗杯費(含醒酒器)NT$200/杯+10%,每桌最多可攜帶四瓶酒。* 因冰箱空間有限,恕無法提供冷藏冷凍寄放服務║ 訂位須知 ║* 可接受60天內線上訂位* 6人以上或特殊訂位需求,煩請來電聯繫餐廳,或是Email至twbeone@gmail.com,我們將由專人為您服務* 如有任何飲食禁忌,請於訂位或點餐時提前告知* 素食需求的貴賓需提前5天訂位,並註明需求,我們可提供4道鹹食 + 1道甜點 $1680+10%的蛋奶素單人套餐* 本餐廳為親子友善餐廳,設置尿布檯並提供兒童安全座椅,供有更換尿布需求者使用* 本餐廳為寵物友善餐廳,如欲攜帶寵物至餐廳用餐,請提前告知,並請使用寵物推車或寵物提籃,且須避免寵物露出* 若有任何商業或營利等公開用途之拍攝或採訪需求,煩請先與餐廳聯繫,由專人協助溝通與安排,以避免影響其他客人用餐* 訂位僅保留15分鐘,逾時視同放棄訂位,不另外以電話通知* 若需取消或更改訂位,請提前來電告知* 若線上訂位已滿,可以來電詢問或安排候補位【包廂訂位】* 餐廳提供1間20人的B1輕布幕包廂,低消為NT$10,000+10%,低消可全額抵餐食酒水費用,如需客製化套餐,請提前告知,我們將盡力為您妥善安排。* 餐廳提供1間10人的B2獨立包廂,低消為NT$10,000+10%,低消可全額抵餐食酒水費用,如需客製化套餐,請提前告知,我們將盡力為您妥善安排。* 預訂包廂,需信用卡綁定預付訂金NT$4,000。【特殊包場與場地使用費】
可提供B2樓層 50坪獨立空間的包場服務,全棟費用另計
* 週三~週日 白天時段(12:00-17:00)$60,000 +10%
* 週三~週日 晚上時段(18:00-23:00)$80,000 +10%
以上金額可做餐飲折抵並可有菜單及雞尾酒客製化貴賓服務非營業時段對外場地使用租金為每半小時NT $3,000人力需求另計
如有包場需求等,請歡迎來電業務發展部0908-888-414詳談合作║ 注意事項 ║
⚠️ 餐廳內禁止吸菸(包含電子菸)
⚠️ 禁帶外食,包含各式軟性飲料、啤酒⚠️ 喝酒不開車,開車不喝酒

⚠️ 理性飲酒, 若吐在坐式馬桶、垃圾袋以外的地方,因此造成環境髒亂等情形發生,需酌收清潔費$2000元/次起⚠️ 訂位前請詳閱訂位須知,訂位完成即表示同意**為了提供貴客完美用餐體驗,且尊重每位用心服務的員工及其他用餐客人,本餐廳故制定上述說明,謝謝您的理解與配合**
A photo of 文華精品 但馬家涮涮鍋本館 restaurant
Price: Expensive
• Bistro • Songshan District
Coming Soon!
A photo of 異塵CELLAR LOUNGE BAR restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Bistro • Songshan District
營業時間:四~日:19:00-02:30五~六:19:00-03:30八人以上請撥電話訂位。訂位電話:02-2712-9319(由於沒有限制用餐時間基於座位有限,無法承諾座位是沙發區,我們會盡力安排,造成不便請見諒。 )平日低消:每人450假日低消:每人600
A photo of 文華精品 但馬家涮涮鍋 restaurant
Price: Expensive
• Bistro • Songshan District
Coming Soon!
A photo of 亞都麗緻大飯店 天香樓-中式杭州菜 restaurant
Price: Very Expensive
• Bistro • Zhongshan District
TIEN HSIANG LOTaste delicacies from West Lake, enjoy the elegant style of the Song Dynasty. Su Dongpo, a poet of the Song Dynasty, once praised “the prosperity of the world banquet is not as good as Hangzhou”!Hangzhou is known as the “Land of much fish and rice, the home of silk, and the state of culture”. It was the capital city of the Southern Song.Dynasty, during which the booming humanities and gourmet cultures were at their peak in what was called the Chinese Renaissance. The gathering of scholars and literati has made Hangzhou cuisine the representative of Chinese fine food culture.Tien Hsiang Lo of the Landis Taipei Hotel is derived from Tien Hsiang Lo in Hong Kong, which originally came from Hangzhou. It adheres to the authentic taste of Hangzhou’s traditional dishes, while following the essential cuisine culture of Hangzhou, presenting the diversity ofHangzhou cuisine. Combined with an interior design that reflects the ten scenic spots of West Lake, poetry that praises the local cuisine and feast, it portrays the aesthetics of the space and the profound humanistic feelings of the delicate Hangzhou cuisine. Then extension of the four arts from Song Dynasty - tea, flower arranging, painting, and incense, fill every corner of the space with the ultimate taste of life that people in the Song Dynasty admired.“Reflecting West Lake, showing the charm of the Song Dynasty”, Tien Hsiang Lo invites you to enjoy the charming beauty of Hangzhou cuisine.◎《2024 Michelin One Star by Michelin Guide Taiwan》◎《2024 Wine Spectator》Best of Award of Excellence. An affirmation that it is the best choice Taipei restaurant for having an ultimate dining and wine feasting in Taipei.*Certain dishes from our à la carte require preorder - refer to our menu to understand specific number of days for preparation. Please contact restaurant or specify in NOTE box about reserving menu items.
A photo of 紀紀花 Nonoka Cafe Bistro restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Bistro • Da'an District
歡迎來到 紀紀花Nonoka Cafe Bistro線上訂位系統●訂位※因席位安排,網路只開放限量名額訂位,若線上預約額滿時,歡迎來電詢問訂位※如有其他訂位問題請於12:00-22:30與我們聯繫 02-27319055※如有7人以上訂位,請電洽門市預約訂位 ● 營業時間&訂位時段Lunch- 12:00-17:00(L.O/16:00)Teatime - 13:30-17:00(L.O/16:00)Dinner - 17:00-22:30(L.O/21:15) ● 消費規則※繁忙時段用餐時限120分鐘;敝店保留用餐規則之最後解釋權※午餐時段低消為主餐單點1份/人;並另外加收10%服務費※晚餐時段低消成人$350/人;孩童未滿120公分$250/人,超過120公分以成人計算;並另外加收10%服務費※訂位、候位位子保留10分鐘,如逾時則取消位子不再另行通知※若自帶酒將酌收開瓶費:1000元/每瓶※餐廳不可攜帶寵物※餐廳不可攜帶外食及飲料(除蛋糕)※內用酌收10%服務費● 付款※可採現金、信用卡※第三方支付:Apple Pay, Android Pay, Samsung Pay, ※目前無信用卡優惠活動

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Discover best Bistro restaurants in Songshan District

Discover the vibrant bistro scene in 松山區, 大臺北地區, Taipei City, where culinary delights meet cozy ambiance. In this bustling district, bistros cater to a variety of tastes, offering everything from live jazz performances to exquisite Portuguese wines, ensuring a memorable dining experience for every palate. Each establishment in 松山區 is renowned for its unique blend of flavors, atmosphere, and exceptional service, making it a top destination for both casual diners and gourmet enthusiasts. The area itself is a culinary hotspot, known for its dynamic food scene that seamlessly integrates local and international cuisines. Whether you're in the mood for some savory grilled dishes, tapas, or a glass of fine wine, 松山區 has a bistro that fits the bill. With a focus on quality and customer satisfaction, these bistros provide a perfect setting for a delightful meal, underscored by their commitment to excellence in every dish served. Explore 松山區 for an authentic and diverse bistro experience that truly stands out in Taipei's rich tapestry of dining options.

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