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Best Lunch Restaurants in Shenkeng District

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A photo of Morton's The Steakhouse - Taipei restaurant
Price: Very Expensive
• Steakhouse • Xinyi District
Booked 43 times today
When we say that we offer "The Best Steak...Anywhere," we mean it!Morton's has grown to over 74 restaurants, but the vision is the same today as it was when we opened our first restaurant in Chicago in 1978. Quality. Consistency. Genuine Hospitality.
A photo of 心潮飯店 信義微風店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Chinese • Xinyi District
Booked 6 times today
歡迎來到心潮飯店的線上訂位系統。2025農曆春節如需預訂請來電洽詢。用餐前 14 天開放訂位;最晚訂位時間為用餐當天的 1 個小時之前。線上訂位僅提供店內用餐座位,吧檯座位及戶外座位只提供現場安排,如有其他用餐需求煩請直接來電將有專人服務。因桌型安排限制,線上訂位只接受 4人以下團體客人,不提供分桌、指定桌位與併桌服務,人數超過 4 人、多人數訂位,包場及特殊服務需求,請電洽02-27239976,謝謝。現場用餐時間為100分鐘,唯現場服務人員會視情況彈性調整時間。訂位時間內未到,該位置保留10分鐘後則取消訂位或直接來電告知時間異動並於現場等候安排座位。店內禁止攜帶外食、飲料,生日蛋糕除外。自備酒類開瓶費$500/瓶 計算。請詳細閱讀訂位規則,或有任何疑問,請電話洽詢,謝謝。餐廳簡介:2024-Michelin Guide Bib Gourmand Selection2023-Michelin Selected2022-Michelin Selected2021-米其林餐盤推薦2024-原創餐飲指南500盤2023-原創餐飲指南500盤2021-原創餐飲指南500盤2023-經濟部十大當代台菜餐廳2022-經濟部優質台菜入選餐廳2021-經濟部優質台菜入選餐廳2020-經濟部優質台菜入選餐廳心潮飯店在各台菜餐廳林立之下,我們提供了新式創新及保有經典台菜的餐點服務。另有提供雞尾酒、葡萄酒、各式軟性飲料的選擇,加上位處微風信義百貨內,整日營運之下,午茶時間餐廳沒有休息,整日也提供了咖啡及甜點的多樣性選擇。
A photo of The Ukai Taipei Kappou 割烹 restaurant
Price: Very Expensive
• Bar / Lounge / Bottle Service • Xinyi District
本餐廳採全預約制,板前料理型式。**| Meal Prices 套餐價格 |**[午間限定] Lunch Menu季節精選 NT$2,500特別套餐 NT$3,500[晚間限定] Dinner Exclusive冬之藏 NT$4,500[饗宴套餐] Grand Menu極上旬之味 NT$5,500*另提供割烹特別訂製套餐,如有需求請洽詢 。※水資NT$100及10%服務費另計。※所有餐點皆使用當季食材,故菜單將有可能因進貨狀況而變動。• 營業時間:午餐12:00- 15:00、最後進場時間13:30,晚餐18:00- 22:00、最後進場時間19:30。• 餐廳每人最低消費為套餐及水資一份。孩童亦同,本餐廳無兒童套餐、座椅及餐具,因餐廳空間有限,恕不接待嬰兒推車。• 為提供每位來訪賓客一致的用餐體驗,同一組貴賓皆需選擇同價位之套餐,及賓客皆到齊後才會開始供應餐點。• 餐廳為無菜單料理型式,依訂位人數提前準備食材,敬請務必於訂位資訊欄位選擇欲點套餐價格。如訂位時間為一日以內,午間僅能提供餐價NT$ 2,500。• 料理方式及食材依季節性與當日進貨情況新鮮提供為主,如有變更恕不另行通知。• 套餐內容七至八成為海鮮食材,恕無提供素食或海鮮素套餐;飲食忌口針對嚴重過敏食材調整,如甲殼類海鮮、牛肉、生食、豆類等,敬請務必提前告知或填寫於訂位備註欄內。• 用餐座位皆依現場狀況安排,如有特殊需求請來電或Email: ukai@ukai-tpe.com.tw告知,餐廳保留最終安排座位之權利。**| 訂位需知 |**• 餐廳開放 60 天以內的預約,並須於預訂時輸入信用卡資訊以完成訂位手續,線上系統僅接受 VISA, MASTER CARD,JCB。此階段將不會被收取任何費用,僅做為訂位出席保證之用途。 • 餐廳僅提供電話及線上系統方式預約,恕不接受經由Email、Facebook、 Instagram等社群軟體之留言及訊息等的訂位,感謝您的諒解。• 為維護現場用餐服務品質,電話接聽時間為每日14:00- 17:00。**| 服裝規定 |**• 建議穿著合宜優雅便服。男士請避免穿著短褲、拖鞋及涼鞋;女士請避免穿著拖鞋,鞋款後腳跟需有包覆或繫帶。**| 酒水服務費 |**• 若自行攜帶酒水飲料,餐廳酌收酒水服務費葡萄酒、日本酒等釀造酒每瓶 NTD 1,000(以 750ml 計算)。烈酒與其他蒸餾酒每瓶 NTD 1,500(以 1000ml 計算)。• 如有大容量酒水款式,酒水服務費將依比例調增。**| 餐廳規範 |**• 用餐座位席次有限,恕無法提供臨時加位及指定座位服務。如有需調整用餐人數,請務必提前告知。• 為提供每位賓客享用到餐點最佳品質,因此餐點將等侯用餐來賓全員到齊後才會準備。• 為呈現餐點完美狀態考量,顧客相關之食品安全,餐點恕無法提供外帶服務。• 為維持其他顧客用餐體驗,餐廳全面禁菸,包含電子菸。• 禁用外食、外帶飲料。• 為維持其他顧客用餐體驗,店內攝影禁用閃光燈或自帶照明器具。• 若有任何商業或營利等公開用途之拍攝或採訪需求,煩請先與餐廳主動聯繫,將由專人確認協助;為確保現場每位客人的整體用餐品質,若未經事前溝通安排,本餐廳將保有現場最後決定的權利,謝謝您的理解與見諒。• 訂位僅保留10分鐘,逾時抵達或因不可抗拒之因素、意外,餐廳將保留取消或更改預約的權利。• 如需更改或取消預訂,請於用餐前二日進行變更。用餐前一日臨時取消或當天逾時、未抵達用餐者,將收取每人全額套餐費用。• 本餐廳保有任何更換或調整菜單之權利。
A photo of Smith & Wollensky restaurant
Price: Very Expensive
• American • Xinyi District
Booked 1 time today
**【Feb. 14 DINNER】**-Serving Hours: 17:00~23:00; Dining time limit: 2hr。-Exclusive Set Menu Only, NT$5,980 per person.-Deposit: NT$1,000 per person (required to secure your booking). Guests booking online will receive a confirmation call for deposit arrangements.-Please note that a meal order is required for every child occupying a seat.[Feb. 14 Dinner Set Menu]( https://smithandwollensky.com.tw/en/news/taipei/news-valeintines-e20250214)**【2025 Lunar New Year】**Business lunch and Happy Hour are unavailable.**【Reservation Policy】**1.Reservations for the next month will open on the first day of every month via online, on-site, and telephone booking. Online booking is only open for a maximum of 4 people. To reserve a table for over 4 people, please contact us through phone calls by dialing +886 2-2345-5647. We will charge an advanced deposit for private rooms and group reservations (over 7 people).2.Seat assignment requests are unavailable. If you have a special request (e.g; wheelchair access, stroller, etc.), please contact us by email or phone call. For birthdays and anniversaries, please make a note in the Occasion section.3.After completing the booking process, you will receive an SMS message to confirm your reservation. If you want to cancel the reservation, please click the cancellation button through the link provided in your SMS message.4.Reservations are secured for 15 minutes of tardiness.5.We have a corkage fee of NTD$1000 per bottle.6.Please kindly understand that high chairs and children's utensils are unavailable.7.Please note that animals are not allowed in the restaurant (except guide dogs).8.Last order time: Sun.~Thu. 21:00; Fri.~Sat. 22:009.For more information on private rooms and special events, please visit our [website](https://smithandwollensky.com.tw/en/event/taipei)
A photo of Lin restaurant restaurant
Price: Very Expensive
• French • Da'an District
⚠️重要公告:2025/3/1起 - 完成預訂晚餐需綁定信用卡金額 NTD$3,880/位- 完成預訂周末午餐需綁定信用卡金額 NTD$2,880/位- 取消請提前 7 日通知,逾期將酌收綁定信用卡金額- 葡萄酒開瓶費 NTD $1,000/750ml,可開同尺寸 1 瓶抵 1 瓶- 訂位 7 日前,餐廳將來電確認忌口事項,請保持電話暢通📌 訂位須知▫ 線上訂位開放45天內的預約▫ 訂位必須輸入信用卡資訊,簡訊確認即完成(不會預先扣款)▫ 套餐菜單依當季時令調整,如有食材過敏或飲食忌口,請提前 7 日告知▫ 僅提供蛋奶素、海鮮素,暫無提供全素套餐、無麩質、奶類過敏▫ 包廂及包場預訂,請來電或透過 Instagram 私訊洽詢▫ 訂位保留 30 分鐘,逾時視同取消,將收取 NTD $3,880 / 位,週末午餐 NTD $2,880 /位▫ 取消請提前 7日通知,逾期將酌收 NTD $3,880/ 位,,週末午餐 NTD $2,880 /位的食材耗損費🍽 冬季套餐💎 當季套餐|NTD $3,880起 / 位💎 週六午間套餐|NTD $2,880起 / 位💧 水資|NTD $180 / 位🍷 酒水服務費|葡萄酒 NTD $1,000 / 750ml|烈酒 NTD $2,000 / 700ml✨ 以上價格均須另加 10% 服務費📍 營業時間▫ 午餐|週六 11:30 - 14:00▫ 晚餐|週二至週六 18:00 - 22:30▫ 公休|每週日、一📞 聯絡電話|(02) 2368-7868📲 Instagram 私訊|@lin_restaurant_taipei📢 電話接聽時間|週二至週六 14:00 - 18:00⚠️ 用餐須知▫ 本餐廳為板前 Chef’s Table,開放式廚房可能產生些許油煙,外套可交由服務人員代為掛置▫ inline 線上訂位限板前用餐區 8 人以下,VIP 包廂 / 包場請來電或 IG 私訊洽詢▫ 座位安排依訂位順序進行,恕無法指定座位▫ 訂位 7 日前,餐廳將來電確認忌口事項,請保持電話暢通✨ 感謝您的支持與理解,Lin Restaurant 團隊期待能很快地為您服務。🥂📌 Reservation Policy▫ Online reservations are available up to 1.5 months in advance.▫ Credit card details are required for booking confirmation via SMS (no charges will be made at this stage).▫ Our menu is seasonal. Please inform us of any dietary restrictions at least 7 days in advance.▫ We offer only lacto-ovo and pescatarian options. Vegan menus are currently unavailable.▫ For private dining or event bookings, please contact us via phone or Instagram.▫ Reservations are held for 30 minutes. Late arrivals will be considered a no-show and charged NTD $3,880 per guest.(Weekend Lunch NTD $2,880)▫ Cancellations must be made at least 7 days in advance; otherwise, a NTD $3,880 per guest charge will apply. (Weekend Lunch NTD $2,880)🍽 Winter Menu💎 Seasonal Menu|From NTD $3,880 per guest💎 Saturday Lunch Menu|From NTD $2,880 per guest💧 Water Fee|NTD $180 per guest🍷 Corkage Fee|Wine NTD $1,000 / 750ml|Spirits NTD $2,000 / 700ml✨ All prices are subject to a 10% service charge.📍 Business Hours▫ Lunch|Saturday 11:30 - 14:00▫ Dinner|Tuesday - Saturday 18:00 - 22:30▫ Closed|Sunday & Monday📞 Contact|(02) 2368-7868📲 DM us on Instagram|@lin_restaurant_taipei📢 Call Hours|Tuesday - Saturday 14:00 - 18:00⚠️ Dining Notes▫ We are a Chef’s Table-style restaurant with an open kitchen. Some smoke may be present. Our staff can assist in storing your outerwear.▫ Online reservations (via inline) are available for groups of up to 8 guests. For VIP rooms or private events, please contact us.▫ Seating is arranged based on booking order. Specific table requests cannot be accommodated.▫ We will call 7 days before your reservation to confirm dietary restrictions. Please ensure your phone is reachable.✨ Thank you for your support and understanding. We look forward to welcoming you in the new year. 🥂
A photo of Saffron 46 restaurant
Price: Expensive
• Indian • Xinyi District
【Restaurant Information】?Phone:(02)2722-5151?Fax:(02)2722-5121?Email:service@saffron46.com.tw?Address:No.17, Songzhi Rd; Xinyi Dist; Taipei City(Breeze Nanshan 46F)?Website:www.saffron46.com【Business Hours】?Lunch set:Weekday:11:30~14:00?Happy Hour:Monday~Friday(Exclude Holidays):17:00~19:00?Dinner:Sunday~Thursday:16:00~22:00(Last order 21:30)Friday、Saturday、Holidays and the night before:16:00~22:30(All day,Window seat’s min. order count as dinner after 16:00,Last order 22:00)*Dining period 120 minutes.?Supper:Sunday~Thursday:22:00~22:30(Last order 22:30)Friday~Saturday(Including Holidays and the night before):22:30~00:00(Last order 00:00)【Reservation notes】-Reservations for next month will be open on the first day of every month via online, on-site and telephone booking. Online booking only open for a maximum of 4 people. Reserve a table of over 4 people please contact us by calling +886 2-2722-5151. -Only accepts booking with a valid number.- If we could not contact you once the reservation is completed, Saffron 46 reserves the right to cancel your booking.-Please contact us in advance in case of cancellation or any changes.-Reservations are secured for 15 minutes of tardy. Please understand that we might change your table arrangement accordingly.?Childrens:We do not provide kids menu. If high chairs or children’s utensils are needed, please notify us in advance.? Minimum order:Window table: Lunch period $1,200+10% per person; Dinner period $1,800+10% per person. Sofa table: Dinner period $1,200+10% per person. Bar area: Dinner period $500+10% per person. Children over 120 cm in height will be charged as adults.**Reminder:Parties of 5 or more will be arranged at the sofa table(Parties of 10 or more apply to group reservation). We do not accept parties over 4 at the window table. Window table’s lowest minimum order count as 2 people.?Corkage:We charge $1,000 per bottle of wine(Sparkling, red or white);Other than wine is unacceptable.?Celebrations:We do not offer desserts. If ordered dessert, we will provide candle and plate decoration in case of birthday or anniversary. $50 per person will be charged if outside food is consumed in the restaurant.?Restrictions:Saffron46 do not provide beef nor pork, if there are any food restrictions, please inform us in the remarks upon booking. Outside food is prohibit (Except baby food and birthday cakes).?‍?‍?‍? Group reservations:Saffron46 has no private room.Party of 5 or more has a deposit of $200 per person.Minimum order for parties of 10 to 12: Lunch period $1,200+10% per person; Dinner period $1,800+10% per person; Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays, between 17:00-21:00 is $3,000+10% per person. For events and parties over 13 people, please contact service@saffron46.com.tw or dial (02)2722-5151 for further details.?Payments:Cash、VISA、JCB、MASTER、AE、Union pay、Apple pay、Line pay、Android pay、Breeze pay、Breeze coupon、JKO pay。Please confirm other digital payments before payment.?Parking validation:30 minutes for every $500 of consumption, up to 3 hours a day.【Caution】-All prices are in New Taiwan Dollar, and additional 10% service charge.-All regulations are to optimal guest experience, thank you for your cooperation.
A photo of WILDWOOD 原木燒烤牛排海鮮餐廳 restaurant
Price: Very Expensive
• Barbecue • Xinyi District
Booked 1 time today
🪑 **午餐營業時間** 周一至周日 11:30-15:00 最後點餐時間 14:30🪑 **晚餐營業時間**周日至周四 17:30-21:30 最後點餐時間 21:00周五至周六 17:30-22:00 最後點餐時間 21:30☎️ **預約時的注意事項** 本餐廳接受二個月內線上訂位。為確保其他客人用餐權益及避免浪費事先為您預備之食材,若需取消或更改訂位,請提前告知。訂位將保留15分鐘,如逾時將視現場狀況重新安排座位。如於訂位時告知座位喜好需求,本餐廳將會註記並盡量為您安排,但實際仍需視當日訂位狀況,恕無法保證安排指定座位。💺 **特殊座位需求**若您有對位子的特殊需求麻煩請來電訂位,我們會盡力安排但無法為您保證,需要視當天狀況而定。👶 **年幼孩童**本餐廳歡迎家庭攜兒童前來用餐,並為您備有兒童椅及兒童餐具。為確保用餐環境品質及每位客人的用餐權益,請協助妥善維持您的孩童之舉止禮儀。本餐廳無提供兒童餐。🐈🐕🐿🐇 **攜帶寵物須知**1. 必需使用寵物推車或寵物提籃並且加蓋,禁止寵物落地。2. 寵物不得爬上餐桌或沙發上。3. 餐廳沒有提供寵物特製餐食。4. 需先提前告知餐廳。5. 禁止使用店內餐具餐盤餵食。6. 請管束及約束寵物於餐廳內行為,本餐廳為寵物友善餐廳但非寵物餐廳,若造成消費者於用餐環境及食品安全衛生上有顧慮,本餐廳保留拒絕寵物入內之最後權利。🍷 **低消**吧檯座位基本消費一份飲品,用餐區/開放廚房區基本消費一份餐點。需酌收水資每位NT$120+10%。🍴 **用餐時間**午餐90分鐘,晚餐120分鐘。🍾 **開瓶費**自備酒水者開瓶服務費葡萄酒每瓶(750ml容量以下) NT$1,000元,自第9瓶起,每瓶開瓶費NT$2,000元。葡萄酒年份依現場品項為主。烈酒開瓶費每瓶NT$1,500元。如在本餐廳點一瓶葡萄酒,即可抵免一瓶開瓶費。🎉 **慶祝活動**如有事先告知需慶生、紀念日或其他慶祝活動,本餐廳會在盤飾甜點上蠟燭及寫祝賀文字。若自備蛋糕於餐廳慶祝,需另收NT$200元清潔費。🚫 **飲食限制**若您有飲食限制,我們將盡全力滿足您的需求,主廚將以當日可取得之當季食材來調整菜單。如有素食與蛋奶素需求,歡迎來電詢問,並於前三日點餐。如果您對任何食材有過敏反應或不耐症,請在點餐前告知服務人員。🤵 **租金**為符合台灣勞基法規定,餐廳於午、晚餐餐期結束後需休息(午餐至15:00、晚餐至21:30)。若有餐會或活動超出營業時間,我們將收取每半小時NT$6,000元的租金,造成不便之處敬請見諒。👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 **團體活動** 7 人以上(含)的團體須提前預付訂金 每人NT$1,000元及提前預點餐點,以利本餐廳提前準備,提供更妥善的服務。請於預約後三天內完成訂金支付,逾期未付恕不保留座位。若需獨立私密空間,本餐廳配置3間包廂供您選擇:- 10人包廂,共2間,基本消費午餐NT$20,000元,晚餐NT$30,000元 。 - 18人包廂,1間,基本消費午餐NT$30,000元,晚餐NT$40,000元。特殊活動或包場,歡迎來信詢問info@wildwood.com.tw📒 **其他注意事項**- 上述所有價格以新台幣表示,並需加收一成服務費(開瓶費及租金除外)。- 餐廳內禁止吸菸(包含電子菸),若有造成環境髒亂、打翻酒水或嘔吐等行為,我們將酌收清潔費NT$2,500起。其他硬體損傷另計。- 為維護用餐氛圍,煩請於用餐期間將手機關靜音,並降低喧嘩聲量;避免使用閃光燈,並禁用線上直播通訊軟體。為了提供貴客完美用餐體驗與品質、尊重每位用心服務的員工及其他用餐客人,故本餐廳制定上述說明,謝謝您的體諒與配合。若有任何商業或營利等公開用途之拍攝或採訪需求,煩請先與餐廳聯繫,由專人協助溝通與安排;若未經事前溝通安排,本餐廳將保有現場最後決定權。本餐廳配合政府防疫之因應措施,造成不便請見諒。食品業者登錄字號 A-152705325-00001-8
A photo of 金山客家小館創始店 restaurant
Price: Moderate
• Chinese • Songshan District
Booked 1 time today
A photo of 花酒蔵餐酒館  AplusDiningSakeBar restaurant
Price: Expensive
• Fusion / Eclectic • Da'an District
【Welcome】Aplus Dining Sake Bar is a relaxed and friendly bistro. We hope you enjoy our fusion-style Japanese food and sake selection. Experienced sommeliers is awlays ready to provide you sake pairing suggestions for your pleasant dining experience.【Average Price Per Customer】Lunch: Business Lunch Set $380~$480/setDinner: $800~$1000/person, drinks are not included(Prices are for reference only, subject to actual use)No minimum consumption, 10% service charge is required【Corkage Fee】There are more than 120 items of sake in Aplus, as well as a variety of red and white wines and spirits to choose from. $500 per bottle of corkage fee will be charged, if you bring your own beverages.【Reservation Notice】1. It is necessary to reserve a table 2 hours before arriving. Reservation within 30 days is available for online booking.2. The dining time is limited to 90 minutes. Our manager may extend your dining time depending on the on-site operating conditions.3. Thers is 10 minutes flexible time for possible lateness. If overtime, the seat will be canceled without prior notice. If you will arrive early or be late, please call us in advanc, thank you. (02) 27319266.4. If you are unable to attend your reservation, please cancel the reservation 2 hours before, to keep your right to make another reservation next time.5. If you need to change time or the number of customers, please call us in advance. (02) 27319266.6. Designated seats (ex. window seat..) are not accepted. If you have special needs, please inform in the other remarks field (ex. one vegetarian meal). Your needs will be arranged according to the on-site operating conditions.7. For reservations for more than 8 people, private dining, or if you need an independent dining area, please call (02) 27319266, we will more than happy to serve you.8. Reservations for this moment, or there are no available seats on the day you expect; we have a few seats reserved on site, please call the reservation hotline (02) 27319266, we will more than happy to serve you.
A photo of nkụ restaurant
Price: Very Expensive
• European • Da'an District
Thank you for choosing to dine at NKU.Please take a few minutes to learn about our dining rules to ensure you have a good dining experience, thank you.Our reservation system provides reservations within 30 days. During the epidemic, box and private room services are temporarily unavailable. If you have special needs, please call us 02-27018025.**Dining time**Meal time is 2hoursNoon time: 12:00~14:00Dinner time: 18:00~22:00Reservation reserved for 10 minutes.**Price**Lunch set menu 1680+10%Dinner set menu 3280+10%**Cancellation/No show**If you cancel within 3 days(including the day) before the show up without a reason, you will be charged NT 1700 per person.If you want to change the people of your booking.Please tell us in advance,otherwise we will charged NT 1700 per person.**Children**Children under the age of 12 have an potion to choose a la carte spaghetti, NT750.**Minimum Charge**Minimum charge is one set meal per person.**Dining**The need for dietary adjustments must be known to us at the time of booking, or 72 hours in advance, otherwise we can only make adjustments based on our existing ingredients.**Corkage fee**The corkage fee for wine/sake/c (700ml) is NT600, and the for Champagne will be NT1000 per bottle. The cost of opening a bottle of spirits is NT1000.**Precautions**- No outside fodd or beverages are allowed.- No pets.- Since the dining mode is a set meal, the meal will only be served before all the guests arrive at the same table.- If we need to clean up the mess caused by drunk guests, a cleaning fee of NT4000 will be charged.- We don't accept change seat request.Thank you for taking the time to read the principles and rules of our restaurant. We look forward to visiting nku.

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