Jinya Inn, in Kanagawa, is a traditional Japanese hot spring that also serves incredibly fresh and authentic traditional Japanese cuisine. For a scrumptious start to your meal, enjoy a light snack like the assorted local selection of boiled peanuts, camembert cheese and miso roasted peanuts. Meals at Jinya Inn are a seasonal, multi-course affair, made with fresh fish and vegetables. Be sure to enjoy your traditional Japanese fare with a Japanese beverage, such as plum wine of shochu with lemon.
Jinya Inn�s most elegant dessert offering includes the delicate chiffon cake set, served with ceremonial green tea.
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Mon, Thu–Sun 11:30 am–2:00 pm
Mon, Thu–Sun 5:00 pm–8:00 pm
There may be exceptions to the above schedule. Ensure you use the search to confirm availability.